With a table in the cellar for an office and a cap off an old Chevy pickup for a workshop, Jim and Anna Harris were ready to start their new adventure together. On November 8, 1986 they made their first fuel delivery for 72 cents a gallon. Boy, have times changed! With the help of good friends and a lot of hard work and dedication from many, Harris Oil became a great success.
In the early 2000's, Jim and Anna passed away leaving the business to their four children. Harris Oil continues to serve their community with dependable, hometown, quality service. Harris Oil is currently owned by Paul Harris and Melissa Mills and is under the leadership of Dan Mills. Our business is always expanding and updating to serve our customers better. In recent years, Harris Oil has expanded to include furnace repair, petroleum transport, and flatbed delivery services.
A special thanks goes out to our loyal customers and dedicated team. You are greatly appreciated!